- Online Auction Segmentation and Effective Selling Strategy: Trust and Information Asymmetry Perspectives
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Rodrigo Fernandes Malaquias, Yujong Hwang, - Understanding The Impact of Social Commerce Website Technical Features on Repurchase Intention: A Chinese Guanxi Perspective
Jiabao Lin, Yanmei Yan, Shengjun Chen, Xin Luo, - Social Embeddedness and Customer - Generated Content: The Moderation Effect of Employee Participation
Guoxin Li, Xue Yang, Wei Xu, Yingqiu Zhu, - Oppositional Brand Loyalty in Online Brand Communities: Perspectives on Social Identity Theory and Consumer - Brand Relationship
Ying-Feng Kuo, Jian-Ren Hou, - An Empirical Study of Sponsor Satisfaction in Reward - Based Crowdfunding
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